ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Knights of the Golden Circle

The Knights of the Golden Circle were a group of people who lived a long time ago in America. They wanted to make a big country called the "Golden Circle" that would include lots of places like Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean Islands. They wanted this place to produce lots of cotton, sugar, and other goods that could be sold and make them rich.

To achieve this, they did secret things like digging hidden tunnels and burying money and weapons so they could use them later. They also had secret codes and ways to talk to each other so nobody else would know what they were saying. They even tried to declare their own country during the American Civil War.

Some people thought the Knights were kind of like secret agents or spies, but others thought they were just a group of people who had a big dream but never achieved it. Today, people still talk about them and try to find the money and weapons they may have buried a long time ago.