ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Finnish Civil War

Okay kiddo, so there was a time a long time ago, in Finland, when some people had big disagreements about how the country should be run. Some wanted to be independent from Russia and have their own government, and others wanted to keep being part of Russia.

These two groups were called the Whites and the Reds. They didn't like each other very much and they started fighting. It was like a big game of tag, but with guns and bombs and stuff.

The Reds had more people on their side, but the Whites had more weapons and training. So, the Whites won and took over the country. They made Finland an independent country and created a new government.

During the war, many people were hurt or killed, and it was a really tough time for the people of Finland. But eventually, things calmed down, and Finland became a peaceful and prosperous country.

That's pretty much it, little buddy. Do you have any other questions?