ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flap rudder

A flap rudder is like a fancy tail on an airplane or boat that helps it turn left or right.

Imagine you are playing with a paper airplane and you want it to turn. You can move the edges of the tail up or down, which makes one side go up and the other side go down. This causes the plane to tilt to one side, and the wing on that side creates less lift while the opposite wing creates more lift, making the plane turn in the direction of the tilt.

A flap rudder works in a similar way. It's a movable part at the back, or stern, of a boat or the tail of an airplane. When it moves to one side, it creates more drag on that side, which slows it down and makes it turn in the opposite direction. It can also be used to help the pilot control the plane or boat when it's moving fast, kind of like a steering wheel on a car.

So, next time you see a plane or boat turn, you can think about how its flap rudder is helping it maneuver through the air or water!