ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Four divisions of society

Imagine a big group of people playing a game. The game is called "society" and it has four different teams. The first team is called the "upper class." These are the people who have a lot of money and power. They live in big houses and go to fancy schools. The second team is called the "middle class." These are the people who have some money and maybe a little bit of power. They live in smaller houses and go to regular schools. The third team is called the "working class." These are the people who work hard to make money, but they don't have a lot of power. They might live in apartments and go to public schools. The fourth team is called the "underclass." These are the people who don't have much money or power. They might live in the poorest parts of town and have a hard time getting by. Each team has different challenges and advantages, and they all work together to make society run smoothly.