ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Frith-borh is a really old word that people used a long time ago, in something called Old English. It was kind of like a promise that people would make to each other if they wanted to be friends and live peacefully together.

So let's say that two people named John and Sarah were living in a village together, and they wanted to make sure that they didn't get into fights or argue with each other. They would make a special agreement called a frith-borh.

What this meant was that if one of them did something wrong or broke the rules, the other person wouldn't just get mad and try to hurt them. Instead, they would talk about it calmly like friends and try to find a way to make things right.

The frith-borh was a really important thing back then because there weren't any police or courts to settle arguments. People had to figure out how to get along on their own. It was kind of like a big group promise that everyone in the village would try to keep peace with each other.

So that's what a frith-borh is. It's an old word for a promise that people made a long time ago to be friendly and peaceful with each other.