ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ground-effect vehicle

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a plane flying really low over the water and it looks like it's almost gliding on top of the water? That's called a ground-effect vehicle!

You know how when you blow air into a balloon it goes up in the air? Well, the same thing happens to a plane when it moves through the air. The air going over the wings creates lift and that's what helps the plane stay up in the sky.

But when a plane gets really close to the ground, something interesting happens. The air between the wings and the ground gets compressed and can't move freely. This creates a cushion of air that the plane can ride on top of, kind of like when you float on a pool noodle in the water.

This cushion of air helps the plane use less fuel and go faster, because it doesn't have to work as hard to stay in the air. Plus, it's really cool to see! But pilots have to be careful, because if they get too close to the ground, the cushion of air will disappear and the plane will crash. So they have to stay at the right distance to stay safe.