ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guatemala syphilis experiments

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in Guatemala, some scientists wanted to test a new medicine for a disease called Syphilis. They wanted to see if the medicine worked, so they found some people who had the disease and gave them the medicine. But here's the problem, they didn't tell those people what they were doing, and they didn't ask for their permission to participate.

So, basically, these scientists did something very wrong. It's like if you were playing a game with your friends, and one of them wanted to try a new toy, but they didn't tell you it was a game, and they took your toy without asking. Not cool, right?

Anyway, back to the experiment. The scientists gave the medicine to these people with Syphilis, but it didn't work. Instead, it made them very sick, and some even died. The people in charge of the experiment finally realized they did something wrong and stopped it, but it was too late for the people who were already hurt.

After some time, people found out about this experiment and got really upset. They felt like the scientists didn't care about the people they were testing, and that they were only doing it for their own benefit. So, the whole world knew about this, and the scientists who did it got in a lot of trouble.

The good news is, we have learned from this mistake and now we know that it's important to ask people for their permission before testing any new medicines. It's like when you ask your friends if it's okay to play a new game or if you can borrow their toy. You always want to be respectful and fair to others, right?