ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Heqin" is a long time ago thing that happened in China. The leaders of one group of people, called the Han people, wanted to make peace with another group of people, called the nomads.

One way they thought they could do this was by marrying one of their princesses to the ruler of the nomads. So, they picked a princess and sent her to be married to the nomad leader.

But, this wasn't just any wedding. As part of the agreement, the Han people had to give the nomads a lot of valuable things like silk and jade. They also had to send some of their own people to work for the nomads.

The Han leaders thought this was a good idea because it meant they wouldn't have to go to war with the nomads, which could be very dangerous.

However, some people were not happy about this arrangement. They thought it was unfair to give away valuable things and people just to make peace.

In the end, even though the heqin did bring some peace, it didn't last forever. Eventually, the Han and the nomads ended up fighting again. But, the heqin is still an important part of China's history because it shows how people tried to make peace and what some of the consequences were.