ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hostis humani generis

Okay, kid, imagine there are some very bad guys in the world who have done terrible things. These bad guys are so bad that everyone in the world agrees that they need to be stopped. These bad guys are called "hostis humani generis."

Now, the phrase "hostis humani generis" is a fancy Latin phrase that means "enemies of all mankind." And why are they enemies of all mankind? Because they do things that are really, really bad, like pirates or terrorists. They do bad things to everyone, not just one group of people.

So, when people say "hostis humani generis," they mean that these bad guys are so bad that everyone in the world should work together to stop them. It's kind of like saying "we all have to come together to stop these really bad guys from hurting anyone else."

Does that make sense, kiddo?