ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so a hovercar is kind of like a car that can fly in the air instead of just driving on the road. It uses something called "hover technology" to stay up in the air and move around.

Think of it like a magic carpet, but instead of being made of fabric, it's made of special materials that can lift the car up and keep it floating. Kind of like magnets, but way cooler!

So when you're in a hovercar, you can zoom around above the city and avoid traffic and all the things on the ground that slow down regular cars. It's kind of like being a superhero, but you don't have to wear a cape!

Of course, hovercars aren't real yet, but scientists and engineers are working hard to make them a reality someday. Who knows, maybe when you grow up you'll get to ride in one!