ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Human skull

Okay kiddo, do you see the bone that covers your head like a hat? That's called the skull!

Your skull is like a shell that helps protect the brain, the part of your body that thinks and controls everything you do!

The skull is made up of lots of different little bones that fit together like puzzle pieces. There's a big bone in the front that covers your forehead called the frontal bone. There are bones on the sides of your head called the temporal bones. On the back of your head, there's a bone called the occipital bone.

Inside your skull are big holes for your eyes, nose, and mouth to fit in. And there are little holes where nerves and blood vessels fit through to help keep everything inside your head healthy!

The skull is super important because it helps keep your brain safe from any bumps or hits you might get. So when you're riding your bike or playing sports, make sure to wear a helmet to keep your skull (and your brain!) extra safe!