ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ideal class group

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have some shiny coins and you want to divide them equally among your friends. But sometimes, you might end up with some leftover coins that cannot be divided equally. This is called a remainder.

So, in math, there is something called a ring of integers, which is like a collection of all the whole numbers that can be expressed as fractions or decimals. In this ring, sometimes you can have remainders too. But, there is a way to group together the remainders that behave nicely, which is called the ideal class group.

It's like if you have a group of friends, some of them might have the same interests or behave similarly. So, you can group them together and call them an ideal class.

In the ideal class group, all the remainders that behave the same way are grouped together. And this grouping helps us understand some cool things in math, like how certain equations behave and how we can solve them using remainders.

So, in a way, the ideal class group is like a club where all the remainders that share something in common can hang out and do math together!