ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Infant baptism

Infant baptism is when a baby is sprinkled with water as part of a Christian religious ceremony. The water is said to represent the washing away of sins and the baby becoming part of the church.

Imagine you have a new little brother or sister. They are really young and don't even know what it means to be good or bad yet. They haven't done anything wrong because they don't even know what wrong is. But your family takes them to a special ceremony where they get a sprinkle of water on their head.

This water is like a special thing that makes them part of a really important group called the church. It's like when you join a club or a team, you get to wear a special uniform and have special friends. Being baptized makes the baby part of the church and gives them a special place in that community.

Sometimes people wait to get baptized until they are older and can understand what it means, but sometimes people do it when they are babies so they can be part of the church right away. It's a really special and important event in the family and in the church community.