ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese armour

Hello there! Today I'm going to tell you all about Japanese armour. Japanese armour is made of many different parts that go together to protect the person wearing it. Think of it like a puzzle where you have to put all the pieces together to make the picture.

The first part of Japanese armour is called the 'do'. It's a big piece of armor that covers the torso, that's the part of your body where your belly, back, and chest are. Do is usually made of different materials like iron, leather, and silk. It's really strong and protects you from any cuts and blows.

Then there is the 'kabuto', which is basically a helmet. It protects your head from any sharp objects that might come your way during a fight. The kabuto has a really cool design and sometimes looks like a scary creature.

The 'sode' is another part of Japanese armour. It looks like a shoulder pad and protects the shoulders and upper arms. It's like a shield that covers your arms and prevents them from getting injuries.

Now let's talk about 'kusazuri'. Kusazuri is worn at the bottom of the armour and it looks like a skirt. It protects your hips, thighs, and lower torso from any attacks. Kusazuri is usually decorated with different patterns and designs to make it look pretty.

The 'haidate' is another part of Japanese armour that is worn on the thighs and looks like a long cloth. Haidate is there to prevent any injuries to the legs and to keep them safe.

Finally, we have the 'suneate'. Suneate is the armor that covers your shins, just above your feet. It's like shin guards that athletes use to protect their legs. Suneate is designed to offer maximum protection to the legs during fights.

So, there you go little buddy, that's Japanese armour. It's made up of many different parts, and each part serves a specific purpose in protecting the person wearing it. Now you know all about it, next time you can impress your friends with your knowledge!