ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Journey of self-discovery

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you feel confused or unsure about who you are or what you want in life? Well, going on a journey of self-discovery is like going on an adventure to figure those things out.

It's kind of like going on a treasure hunt, but instead of looking for gold or jewels, you're looking for answers about yourself. You might start by asking yourself some questions, like "What do I love?" or "What makes me happy?"

Then, you might try different things to see how they make you feel. Maybe you'll try playing a new sport, learning a new skill, or traveling to a new place. As you do these things, you'll start to learn more about yourself and what you like or don't like.

Sometimes, you might make mistakes or feel lost along the way, but that's okay! It's all part of the adventure. The most important thing is to keep trying new things and paying attention to how they make you feel.

By the end of your journey, you'll have a better understanding of yourself and what makes you happy. And that's a pretty amazing treasure to find, don't you think?