ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kulak is a Russian word that means "fist" as in someone who is very wealthy and has a lot of power. Back in the old days in Russia, the government tried to make everyone equal and fair, but some people were very rich and powerful, and they didn't want to give up their wealth or power. These rich and powerful people were called Kulaks. They owned big farms and had lots of money, and they didn't want to share with the poor people who worked for them.

The government didn't like these Kulaks because they weren't playing fair, and they tried to take away their power and wealth. They passed laws that made it hard for the Kulaks to keep their land and their money. The government said that the Kulaks were hoarding food and money that they should be sharing with everyone. They accused them of being greedy and selfish and said that they were the reason why so many people were poor and hungry.

The government started taking away the Kulaks' land and property, and many of them were forced to move to other places where they didn't have as much power or wealth. Some were even sent to prison or killed.

So, in summary, Kulak is a word used to describe wealthy and powerful people who didn't want to share their wealth with others in Russia. The government didn't like them and tried to take away their wealth and power to make things more fair for everyone.