ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lead generation

Lead generation is like fishing with a net. But instead of catching fish, we catch information about potential customers.

Imagine you are in a toy store and you see a toy that you really want. But you don't have any money to buy it. So what do you do? You ask your mom or dad to buy it for you!

In the same way, companies use lead generation to collect information about people who might want to buy their products. They do this by creating things like forms, surveys, and events that encourage people to share their personal information like their name, email, job position, and interests.

Once the company has this information, it can contact these people who have shown interest in their products or services and try to convince them to buy what they are selling.

So, lead generation is like casting a net out to catch information about potential customers so that companies can sell them their products or services.