When we write words and sentences, we usually put them all in one long line that goes from the beginning of the page to the end. But when we write poetry, we can make the words look different on the page to create more meaning and emotion.
One way we can do this is by using a line break. A line break is when we end a line of poetry and start a new one. We do this by hitting the "Enter" key on our keyboard.
So why do we use line breaks in poetry? Well, when we end a line and start a new one, it can make the poem feel more rhythmic and flow better. It can also give the reader a pause to think about what the words mean and feel the emotions of the poem more deeply.
For example, here is a poem with no line breaks:
I went to the store
To buy some bread
But they were all out
Feeling quite sad
I walked back home
Empty handed and mad
And here is the same poem with line breaks:
I went to the store
To buy some bread
But they were all out
Feeling quite sad
I walked back home
Empty handed and mad
See how the second version has more "breathing" space and feels more like a poem? That's the power of a line break!