ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logorrhoea (linguistics)

Okay kiddo, so sometimes people talk and talk and talk without really stopping to think about what they're saying. That's called logorrhoea. It's like a waterfall of words that just keeps going and going without any breaks.

Have you ever played with a toy where you push a button and it keeps making noise until you let go? That's kind of what logorrhoea is like. The person talking just keeps "pushing the button" and the words keep coming out until they run out of breath or someone else interrupts them.

It's not always a bad thing – some people just really enjoy talking and sharing their thoughts and feelings with others. But sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to listen to someone who has logorrhoea, especially if they're not saying anything important or making sense.

Remember, it's important to listen to others and communicate effectively, but it's also okay to take breaks and let others speak too. Communication is all about balance!