ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

London Blitz

During World War II, Germany wanted to invade and conquer Britain. But instead of a large-scale invasion, the German military decided to begin bombing London and other British cities. This was called the London Blitz.

Imagine you are playing a game of tag with your friends. But instead of just running after you, your friend starts throwing balls at you from far away. This is kind of like what happened during the London Blitz. Instead of sending soldiers to fight, Germany sent planes to drop bombs.

The bombings started in September 1940 and lasted for around eight months. During this time, London was bombed multiple times a day, and many other cities were also targeted. The goal was to destroy important buildings and infrastructure, like factories, bridges, and airports. They also wanted to scare the British people and weaken their morale.

When the bombing raids started, sirens would sound to warn people and evacuate them to safe places like underground shelters. Nevertheless, many people lost their homes or were injured or killed during the attacks. Children like you, had to wear gas masks and huddle in underground tunnels until the bombs stopped falling from the sky.

Despite the challenges, the British people showed incredible resilience during the Blitz. They came together to support each other and rebuild the city. The Blitz eventually ended in May 1941, but its impact was felt for years afterwards.