ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luke 11

Ok kiddo, today I'm going to tell you about a story in the Bible called Luke 11. In this story, Jesus was talking to his friends, the disciples.

He started by talking to them about prayer. He said that when we pray, we should talk to God just like we would talk to our dad. We should tell God what we need and thank him for all the good things in our life.

Then, one of the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, so Jesus taught them a special prayer called the Lord's Prayer. It's a prayer that asks God to give us what we need, forgive our mistakes, and protect us from bad things.

After that, Jesus told the disciples a story about a man who has some unexpected visitors in the middle of the night. He didn't have any food to offer them, so he went to a friend's house nearby and asked for some bread.

At first, the friend said he couldn't help because he and his family were already in bed. But after the man kept knocking on the door and asking for bread, the friend finally got up and gave him some.

Jesus told the disciples that this story was an example of how we should be persistent in prayer. Just like the man kept knocking on the door and asking for bread, we should keep praying and asking God for what we need.

So remember, kiddo, when you pray, be honest with God and ask for what you need. And if you don't get an answer right away, keep praying and don't give up!