ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Masked-man fallacy

Have you ever played a game of "Guess Who?" where you ask questions to figure out which player card your opponent has chosen? Imagine someone cheating by wearing a mask or disguise to make it harder for you to guess. That is called the masked-man fallacy.

In real life, the masked-man fallacy is when someone tries to hide their identity to avoid criticism or scrutiny for their actions or ideas. They might use a fake name or username online, wear a mask at a protest, or conceal their face in a photo or video. By doing so, they hope to protect themselves from consequences or backlash.

However, this is not a fair or honest way to communicate. We need to be accountable for what we say and do, especially if it affects others. Hiding behind a mask or pseudonym can make it harder to build trust, engage in productive dialogue, and solve problems. It's like playing Guess Who with a cheater- it's not fun and it's not right.