ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media consolidation

Okay kiddo, media consolidation is when a few big companies own lots of different types of media - like TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, and websites. This means that just a few companies can control what you see, hear, and read every day.

Think about it like a pizza. Imagine there are only a few big pizza makers in the world, and they control all the pizza toppings and flavors. This means that even if you want a pineapple pizza, you might not be able to get it if the pizza makers don't like pineapples. That's kind of like media consolidation.

When there are just a few big media companies, they can decide what news stories to cover or ignore, what shows to put on TV, and what music to play on the radio. They might also control how much money they make from advertisements, and charge more to businesses that want to advertise on their channels.

So, media consolidation can be a good thing if it means that a few companies can use their resources to make good media for everyone to enjoy. But it can also be a bad thing if it means that those few companies have too much power and control over what we see, hear, and read.