ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Meta data

Metadata is like a book's index, but for digital stuff like pictures and documents that are saved on a computer or phone. Just like how a book's index tells you what page to find information on, metadata tells you information about the digital stuff you saved, like when it was made, who made it, and what it's about.

So, for example, if you take a picture with a smartphone, the metadata will tell you things like when and where you took the picture, what type of camera you used, and what size the picture is. This information helps you organize your pictures and makes it easier to find them later.

Metadata is really important because it helps you keep track of all the digital stuff you have, just like how an index helps you find things in a book. Without metadata, it would be really hard to find anything on your computer, phone, or other digital devices!