ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military dummy

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you play with dolls, it's not a real person, right? Well, the military has something similar, but it's called a dummy.

A military dummy is kind of like a big toy soldier. It looks like a person, but it's not real. It's made out of a bunch of different materials, like plastic and rubber.

So why do the military use dummies? Well, they use them for a lot of different things. Sometimes, they use them to practice fixing wounds on people. They also use them to test out new weapons and make sure they work well.

Dummies are also used in training exercises. They might set up a dummy in a field to look like an enemy soldier, and then the soldiers will practice sneaking up on it and capturing it.

But remember, even though dummies look like people, they're not real. They can't think or feel anything, and they're not actually alive. They're just a useful tool for the military to practice and test things.