ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile payments

Mobile payments are like using a magic wand to pay for things without using real money or a credit card! You can do this by using your smartphone or tablet to pay for things like food, clothes, or toys.

Imagine you have a special toy you really want but you don't have any money with you. Instead of crying or asking your parents to buy it for you, you can use your smartphone to pay for it! This is because your phone can be connected to a special app or service that lets you store money and credit card information.

When you want to buy something, all you have to do is open the app, choose what you want to buy, and then tap your smartphone on a special machine at the store. This machine talks to your phone and lets it know how much money to take out of your account.

But wait, how does the store know it's really you buying the toy? Well, some mobile payments apps also use special security features like fingerprint scans or facial recognition to make sure it's really you making the purchase. This way, no one else can use your phone to buy things without your permission.

So next time you want to buy something cool, don't worry about not having enough cash, just ask your parents to put some money on your mobile payment app, and you can just tap your phone to the machine at the store and the magic wand will do the rest!