ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contactless payment

Hey kiddo! Have you ever seen mommy or daddy pay for something without touching their credit card to the machine? That's called contactless payment!

You know how when you want to buy some candy, you give the cashier some money, and they give you your candy and some coins or a bill back? Well, with contactless payment, mommy or daddy can pay for stuff by holding their credit card or phone close to the machine instead of putting it inside a slot.

The machine can read the information on the credit card or phone through something called radio waves, which are like invisible signals that can travel through the air. It's kind of like how a superhero can shoot beams from their eyes, except it works with money instead of lasers.

The best part is that it's super fast and easy! All mommy or daddy has to do is hold their card or phone close to the machine and wait for it to beep, then just like magic, the payment is made!

And don't worry, it's really safe too! The machine has special technology that makes sure nobody can steal mommy or daddy's information while they're making a payment. So they can use contactless payment whenever they want to buy something quickly and easily without any worries.