ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Morgenthau Plan

Alright kiddo, let me explain to you what the Morgenthau Plan is, but in a way that you can understand it.

You know how sometimes in games, when one team wins, they want to make things really hard for the other team so they don't have as much of an advantage in the next game? Well, after the end of World War II, some countries wanted to do something like that to Germany so they wouldn't be a threat to anyone anymore.

That's where the Morgenthau Plan comes in. It was a plan created by the United States government, named after a guy called Henry Morgenthau Jr., who was the Secretary of the Treasury at that time. The plan's goal was to make sure Germany was not a threat to any other country again by taking away everything that made them powerful.

The plan suggested that Germany should be broken up into smaller countries and deprived of all their industries and factories. Basically, Germany was supposed to become like a big farm that only grew food and didn't have any other way to make money or build military weapons.

The idea was that if Germany didn't have any way to make money or build weapons, then they couldn't hurt any other countries. But some people thought the plan was too harsh, and that it would be too hard on the German people who had nothing to do with the war.

Eventually, the Morgenthau Plan was scrapped and instead, the United States government came up with the Marshall Plan, which focused on rebuilding Europe and helping Germany become a strong and prosperous country again, but one that would never invade other countries again.

So that's the Morgenthau Plan, a plan made to make sure Germany wouldn't be a threat anymore after World War II by taking away everything that made them powerful, but eventually got scrapped and replaced by the Marshall Plan.