ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how you live in a house with your family and you have rules you have to follow, like keeping your room clean and washing dishes? Well, a municipality is kind of like a big house that lots of people live in together, and they have rules too.

When a group of people live together in an area, like a city or a town, they can form a municipality to help make decisions about how things should be done. The municipality is usually run by people that the community elects to be in charge, like a mayor or a town council.

One of the things a municipality does is take care of things like roads, parks, and public buildings. They also make rules that everyone who lives in the municipality has to follow, like how fast you can drive on certain streets, where you can put your trash, and what kinds of businesses are allowed to operate in the area.

So, just like how you have rules to help keep your family's house in order, a municipality has rules to help keep their community in order and make sure everyone is safe and happy.