ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neuromuscular therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is a type of massage that focuses on tightness and tension in your muscles.

You know how your body feels after playing outside or running around all day? Your muscles might feel sore or achy. Neuromuscular therapy can help make your muscles feel better.

To do this therapy, a massage therapist will use their fingers, hands, and sometimes even their elbows to put pressure on the areas of tightness in your muscles. They might use special techniques to help release your muscles.

It's like playing with playdough. If you squish or squeeze it too much, it gets tighter and harder. If you massage it gently, it becomes softer and easier to work with.

Some people might need this type of therapy if they have an injury or chronic pain. The massage therapist will focus on the area that hurts to help the muscles loosen up and stop hurting.

Overall, neuromuscular therapy is like a special kind of rub that helps make your muscles feel better.