ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pavlovian session

Do you know how when you hear the bell ring, you know it's time to eat? That's kind of like what a Pavlovian session is! It's named after a scientist named Ivan Pavlov who did an experiment with dogs.

In this experiment, Pavlov would ring a bell every time he gave the dogs their food. After a while, the dogs started drooling at the sound of the bell even if there wasn't any food - just the sound of the bell made them think about food! This is because their brains were trained to associate the sound of the bell with getting food.

Now, in a Pavlovian session, people use this same kind of training to help people learn things. They might ring a bell or use some other kind of signal every time they teach someone something new. Over time, the person will start to associate that signal with learning something new, just like the dogs associated the sound of the bell with food.

So, if you ever hear someone talking about a "Pavlovian session," they're probably talking about a method of teaching or training where you learn something by associating it with a certain signal or cue.