ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pragmatic theory of information

Information is what we use to learn new things and understand the world around us. There are different theories about how information works, and one of them is called the pragmatic theory of information.

Think of information as a puzzle piece that helps us complete a bigger picture. Pragmatic theory says that information is only useful if it helps us achieve our goals. This means that we don't just gather information for the sake of it, but to get things done or to solve a problem.

For example, if you want to bake a cake, you need information about the ingredients and the steps to follow. That information is useful because it helps you achieve the goal of baking a cake. But if you're not interested in baking a cake, that same information is not useful to you.

Pragmatic theory also says that the meaning of information depends on the context in which it is used. This means that the same information can mean different things to different people, depending on their goals and experiences.

For instance, the word "dog" means something different to a veterinarian, a dog owner, and someone who has never seen a dog before. To the veterinarian, it refers to a domesticated animal that needs medical care. To the dog owner, it might bring forth memories of companionship and love. And to someone who has never seen a dog, it could be a foreign concept.

Lastly, pragmatic theory is interested in how we use information to take action. It recognizes that information is not just something we passively receive, but something we interact with to make decisions, solve problems, and take action.

In conclusion, the pragmatic theory of information is all about how we use information to achieve our goals, how the meaning of information depends on its context, and how we use information to take action.