ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Recusancy is a word used to describe someone who refused to follow the rules of the church. It happened a long time ago in England when people had to follow one church, the Church of England. Some people didn't like this, they wanted to follow a different religion or didn't want to follow any church at all. So, they refused to go to the Church of England and follow their rules.

These people who refused to go to the Church of England were called Recusants. They might have had their own private chapel, where they would go and worship, or they might have gone to an illegal ‘mass-house’ in secret in order to practice their religion.

Being a recusant was not easy. Those who were caught could be punished, arrested or even executed, because the government wanted everyone to follow the Church of England. It was a very difficult time for the people who were recusants, but they stood their ground and did what they believed in.

Today, people have the freedom to follow any religion they want and this is thanks to those who stood up for themselves and their beliefs. Recusancy is an important part of history because it shows us how much people were willing to risk for their beliefs and how important it is to have freedom of religion.