ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revelation 1

Revelation 1 is a chapter in the Bible that talks about a special message that was given to a man named John. John was a follower of Jesus and he was living on an island called Patmos.

In this message, John saw a vision of someone who looked like Jesus. He had white hair, eyes like fire, and his feet were glowing like hot metal. He was very powerful and it made John feel scared.

But then Jesus spoke to John and told him not to be afraid. He said that he was the beginning and the end, and that he had some important things to show John.

Jesus told John to write down everything he saw in this vision, and to send it to seven churches in different places. He also gave John a message for each of these churches, telling them what they were doing well and what they needed to improve.

Overall, Revelation 1 is a chapter in the Bible that tells the story of a special message that Jesus gave to John, who was living on an island. Jesus appeared in a vision as a powerful figure, and gave John messages to send to seven different churches.