ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single-use zoning

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of single-use zoning? No? Well, it's a fancy term that means the government decides how we can use different pieces of land.

For example, imagine a big city with many different areas, like a place where people live, a business area, or a park where they play. Single-use zoning means that each zone has only one specific use, and people can't do anything different with a piece of land than what the government has approved.

For instance, you can't open a store in a residential area, or you can't build a house in a park where people come to play. It's like playing with different toys in particular designated areas of the room, you can't play Lego on the bed or Jump Rope in the bathroom.

This rule is in place to make sure that people are safe, and the city remains organized. It helps to prevent noise, pollution, and overcrowding in residential areas by putting factories or businesses in a particular business area.

Understood, my little one? Great! Now, go pick up your toys, and let's play something else!