ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok, kiddo, you know when you drink water from a straw? You suck the air out of the straw, and the water gets pulled up to your mouth. That's kinda like what a siphon does!

A siphon is like a special tube that helps move liquids from one place to another. Imagine you have a big bucket of water and you want to move it to another bucket. You can't just dump it in, right? So you need a siphon.

First, you put one end of the siphon in the big bucket, and the other end in the empty bucket. Then, you suck on the end of the siphon that's in the empty bucket. This is like drinking the water through a straw! But instead of drinking water, you're pulling air out of the siphon.

Once you suck the air out, the water in the big bucket starts getting pulled down the tube, and gravity helps it flow down towards the empty bucket. The water flows out of the siphon and into the empty bucket, until the water levels in both buckets are the same.

And that's how a siphon works! It might sound tricky at first, but it's really just like using a straw to drink water.