ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Skilled worker

A skilled worker is someone who is really good at doing one particular thing. Imagine if you were really good at building with Lego blocks. That's a skill! Now imagine if you took that skill and used it to make amazing buildings that were even bigger and more complicated - that's what a skilled worker does in their job! They have learned how to do something really well and they use that skill to make amazing things.

Some people might be skilled at fixing cars, or cooking delicious meals, or designing websites, or painting beautiful artwork. They have practiced and learned how to do these things at a really high level, and that makes them different from someone who is just starting to learn. Being skilled means you can do a job really well and make things that other people will love.

Skilled workers are really important because they are the ones who make our world a better place. They build our houses, fix our appliances, create beautiful artwork and much more. Without skilled workers, we wouldn't have all the amazing things that make our lives better, and that's why they are so valuable!