ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Slow parenting

Slow parenting is when parents slow down and spend more time with their children. It means that parents let their children enjoy their childhood and not rush them to grow up too fast. It also means that parents allow children to learn at their own pace and not push them to achieve too much too soon.

Slow parenting means taking the time to listen to your child and have meaningful conversations with them. It means that instead of always putting them in front of a screen, you allow them to explore and discover the world around them. Slow parenting encourages parents to spend more time outdoors, playing games, and doing creative activities with their children.

This parenting approach also advocates for parents to limit their children's schedules and not over-schedule them with too many activities. Slow parenting means giving children the freedom to play and be kids without added pressure or stress.

Overall, slow parenting is all about taking the time to be present with your child and cherishing the moments you have together. It's about creating a calm and stable environment for your child to grow and develop at their own pace.