ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A spaceframe is like a big Lego set for adults. It's made up of lots of small pieces, called tubes or struts, that fit together to make a strong and sturdy structure.

Imagine that you have a bunch of straws that you want to connect together. When you connect them, they become stronger and harder to bend. That's basically what a spaceframe is - a bunch of tubes or struts that are connected to each other to create a really strong structure.

Spaceships, racecars, and even buildings can be designed using spaceframes. They're often used when something needs to be both lightweight and strong, like in a racecar.

Think of it like building a fort with a bunch of blocks. It's fun to build and you can make something really cool, but when it's finished, it's also really strong and can withstand a lot of pressure. That's why spaceframes are important in many different industries.