ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Standards organizations

Standards organizations are groups of people who agree on rules for making things. Think about when you play a game with your friends or family, you agree on the rules before starting to play, right? Standards organizations do the same thing, but for things like electrical wires, computer software, and even how tall a basketball hoop should be.

These organizations are made up of experts who know a lot about the thing they are making rules for. They discuss what should be included in the rules, and then come up with a written document called a "standard" that explains what everyone should do to make things the right way.

The standards are there to make sure that everyone makes things the same way, which is important for lots of reasons. For example, if everyone made electrical wires differently, it would be really hard to connect things together because the wires might not fit. Standards help make sure everyone speaks the same language and follows the same rules when making things.

Organizations like ISO and ANSI are well-known for making standards for many different industries. Sometimes these standards are laws that everyone has to follow, other times they are just guidelines that businesses can choose to follow if they want to. But either way, they help make sure that everything works together properly and safely.