ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Star fort

Alright kiddo, so imagine you're building a castle to protect yourself from enemies. Now, instead of just building a regular castle with straight walls, what if we make the walls go out like pointy sticks in all directions?

That's what a star fort is! It's like a castle with lots of pointy sticks coming out of it. This design helps defend against attackers because it gives many angles for the defenders to shoot from while making it hard for the attackers to get close.

The star fort was used a lot during battles in the past, especially in Europe during the Renaissance period. People quickly realized that it was a smart design for their forts because it made it easier to protect themselves.

Sometimes the forts would even have a moat filled with water around them to make it even harder for attackers to get close.

Overall, a star fort is just like a regular castle that's been made even better to help protect against enemies during a battle.