ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Steak tartare

Steak tartare is a fancy French dish made from raw beef that's chopped up into tiny little pieces and mixed together with some special ingredients.

It's like mixing together your favorite toys in a big bowl, but instead of toys, it's meat!

The special ingredients might include things like onions, capers, mustard, and egg yolks - kind of like when you mix different colors of playdough together to make a fun new color.

But here's the really important part - because this dish is made with raw meat, it's not safe for everyone to eat. That's why grown-ups who want to try steak tartare should always make sure it's prepared by a professional chef or at a fancy restaurant where they know how to handle raw meat safely.

So, in summary, steak tartare is like a toy box full of raw meat that's been chopped up and seasoned with cool ingredients, but it's not something you should try to make at home all by yourself.