ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stendhal syndrome

Stendhal Syndrome is a kind of sickness that some people get when they see very beautiful or overwhelming things like art, music or even natural landscapes. It is named after a French writer Stendhal who once visited Florence, Italy and said it was so beautiful he felt dizzy and almost sick.

When someone experiences Stendhal Syndrome, they may feel dizzy, confused, have a fast heart beat or even faint. This happens because their brain gets overwhelmed by the beauty and their body reacts as if it is in danger.

It's a bit like when you get really scared and your heart starts beating fast or when you spin around too much and you feel dizzy. The difference is that Stendhal Syndrome happens when somebody is looking at something really beautiful.

Most of the time, Stendhal Syndrome will go away on its own as the person starts to become less overwhelmed. It is not a dangerous condition and does not require any medicine.