ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Suspension bridge

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you walk over a bridge to get across a river or a big valley? A suspension bridge is a special kind of bridge that is really, really long and hangs in the air!

It's kind of like a giant jump rope that is stretched between two tall poles or towers. But instead of just one jump rope, there are many thick steel cables, which are called wires. These wires are really strong and can hold a lot of weight, like a bunch of cars or even a train!

The cables are held up high by big metal structures called towers, and they are also anchored down tightly into the ground on both sides of the bridge. This way, the bridge stays in place and doesn't wobble or swing around too much when lots of people or vehicles go over it.

To help you understand it even better, think of a swing set in a park. When you sit on a swing, you hold onto two ropes and your weight pulls down on them. This makes you swing back and forth. The wires on a suspension bridge work in the same way - they hold the weight of the bridge and the things that go over it, and they help to keep it steady when wind or other forces push it around.

So, next time you see a really long bridge that seems to be hanging in mid-air, you'll know that it's a suspension bridge!