Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game of tag with your friends? And have you ever noticed that there might be one friend who always seems to be the fastest, so nobody can catch them?
Well, that's kind of like what a sustainable competitive advantage is. It means that a company has something that makes them better or stronger than other companies in the same game, which is the market.
This can be because they have a special talent or resource that others don't have, like being the only company that can make a certain product or having a lot of brilliant people working for them.
Whatever it is, it gives that company a special edge that helps them stay on top - just like your speedy friend who always seems to win in tag.
But here's the catch. Just like how your speedy friend might not always be the fastest, companies can lose their sustainable competitive advantage over time if they don't keep working hard to stay ahead of the game.
So it's important for companies to keep thinking of new ways to stay competitive, so they can keep outrunning their rivals and stay on top.