ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tartessian language

Okay, so have you ever heard of the Tartessian language? It's a really cool language that was spoken a long, long time ago in a place called Tartessos, which is now part of modern-day Spain.

Imagine that the Tartessian language is like a secret code that only people who live in Tartessos can understand. But over time, as people from other places come to Tartessos and trade with the local people, they start to learn the language too. It's like when you teach your friends a secret handshake!

The Tartessian language is special because it's such an old language that we know very little about it. It's kind of like discovering a treasure map, but you can only see bits and pieces of it. We don't have any books or stories that are written in Tartessian, but we do have some inscriptions on things like pieces of pottery or stone tablets.

The experts who study the Tartessian language have to piece together all of the different parts of the language that they find to try and figure out what the language sounds like and how people used it. They use all sorts of clues, like how the words are spelled and what they mean, to try and solve the puzzle.

It's like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without any of the picture on the box to help you! But even though we don't know everything about the Tartessian language, it's still fascinating to think about how people in Tartessos used to communicate with each other. And who knows, maybe one day we'll solve the mystery of the Tartessian language!