ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weighting curve

Imagine you have a bunch of candies of different colors. You want to put them in a jar but you don't want the jar to be too heavy on one side or the other. So you decide to put more of the lighter candies and less of the heavier ones in the jar. This way, each candy's weight is taken into account when putting them together in the jar.

This is just like what happens when we use a weighting curve. A weighting curve helps us to balance out different values or factors that we are considering. For example, if we want to grade a test, we might give more weight to the harder questions and less weight to the easier ones. This means that the harder questions will count more towards the final grade than the easier ones.

The weighting curve is like putting more of the lighter candies in the jar and less of the heavier ones - it helps us to balance out the different factors so that everything is considered fairly. This way, we can make better decisions based on the things that are most important to us.