ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Woman's orgasm

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you eat something really yummy, you might feel a really good feeling in your tummy? Well, sometimes when a grown-up lady's private parts get touched in a certain way, it can feel really, really good too!

This feeling is called an orgasm. It's like a big burst of happiness and pleasure that can make a lady's body feel all tingly and wonderful. It's kind of like the best feeling in the world! Sometimes it can happen really quickly and sometimes it takes a little bit longer to get there, but most ladies can have an orgasm if they want to.

When a lady has an orgasm, tiny muscles in her private parts start to spasm and contract (that means they squeeze and relax really fast) and that's what makes it feel so good. Plus, her brain releases chemicals like endorphins that make her feel really happy and relaxed.

It's important to remember that every lady is different so what feels good for one lady might not feel good for another. And that's okay! The most important thing is for a lady to feel safe and comfortable with whoever she's with and to explore what feels good for her.