ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Young Earth creationism

Okay kiddo, so some people believe that the universe and everything in it was created by a powerful being who made it all happen in just six days. They think that the Bible tells the story of exactly how it happened and that everything we see around us is evidence of that creation.

These people are called Young Earth Creationists because they believe the Earth is only about 6,000 to 10,000 years old. That means that the dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time and that things like rocks and fossils are not millions of years old like some scientists say, but were created during the six days of creation along with everything else.

Now, scientists know that the Earth is actually billions of years old, and they have discovered lots of evidence to support this. They use things like fossils, rocks, and even radiation to figure out how old things are. They also have a lot of other evidence to show how life on Earth evolved over millions of years.

So, some people believe that the Bible is the only true version of how the world was created, while other people believe that science can help us understand the world just as much as religion. It's okay to believe what you want, as long as you respect others and their beliefs.