ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so ICANN is kind of like a pretend town mayor for the internet. It's short for 'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers'.

Just like how every house on your street has its own address, the computers and websites on the internet also have their own address. ICANN helps to make sure that every single computer and website has a unique address (also known as an IP address).

They also help to decide what words and phrases can be used to make website addresses (also known as domain names) like www.google.com or www.facebook.com. They make sure that different companies can't use the same name for their website so that you don't get confused when trying to find what you're looking for on the internet.

Overall, ICANN is like a traffic controller for the internet, making sure that everyone's websites and computers can talk to each other and be easily found by people like you and me.